There are many things you can do to help your attorney during your legal matter. Here’s a shortlist of some of those things.
1. Provide your attorney will all relevant information.
You should provide your attorney with any information relevant to your case. This includes not only information that bolsters your case, but also information that may harm your case. Know that these potentially “bad facts” are often not as harmful as you may think. Transparency and truth-telling will only bolster your case and the likelihood of settlement. Your attorney is here to help you get the best outcome for your case, but they cannot do so if they do not have all of the facts.
2. Provide your attorney with all relevant documents.
You should also provide your attorney with all documents relevant to your case. Your attorney will likely provide you with a checklist of documents, but you can also access Erinakes Law’s checklist here:
I know it is a difficult and demanding task to gather such a large quantity of documents, but it is essential that your attorney have this information. Plus, it’s a way for you to get organized and understand the various aspects of your case. I suggest keeping a file with all of your produced documents, your case documents, and any important contacts.
3. Complete your assigned tasks.
Also be sure to fully and accurately complete any questionnaires, worksheets, and forms your attorney sends you. These tasks may be tedious and time-consuming, but they are still important. Remember, facts are a vital part of your case. You know the workings of your case better than anyone, and you should do everything you can to provide your attorney with any relevant information. Plus, the more time you spend fact-gathering, the less you will need to pay your attorney to do so.
4. Stay informed about your case.
It is important that you stay informed about all aspects of your case. Please review and take note of all documents your attorney sends you. If there are documents you don’t understand, please let your attorney know. Haven’t heard from your attorney in a while? You can ask for an update at any time!
Be careful about outward advice from friends, neighbors, and family members. Despite good intentions, they do not know the inner workings of your case. You should utilize your support system for emotional, not legal, support and advice. You chose your attorney to guide you through this process, so let her do so.
5. Choose your words and actions wisely.
Throughout your divorce or custody case, you might be tempted to use choice words or act out of spite. Thoroughly think through your words and actions, because they can and will impact your case.
You should make every attempt to maintain good communication with your spouse or the adverse party. Developing a positive repertoire can really go a long way in helping your case. For example, instead of refusing to make an agreement, offer alternative solutions and try to understand the other person’s perspective. Be cooperative, not confrontational.
When posting on social media, a good rule is to “just say no.” Understand that anything you post might be reviewed by a mediator or a judge months later. Note, however, that you should not delete anything previously posted.
6. Follow all court orders.
When a divorce is filed, standing orders are automatically put in place. These orders prevent the spouses from altering the status quo. For instance, you may not want to buy that house in Cabo, because the standing orders could restrict you from making such a large purchase. Standing orders might also prevent you from disposing of assets, or hiding funds. You should review these standing orders carefully with your attorney to ensure you understand all of the instructions.
Whenever kids are involved, the court will also enter temporary orders. Temporary orders are put into place in the interim, while your case is pending. These orders come about by agreement of the parties or through an evidentiary hearing. It is vital that you abide by all standing and temporary orders, so you don’t end up in contempt of court.
7. Protect yourself and your children.
It’s normal to struggle emotionally during a divorce. If you need to, seek assistance from an advocate, therapist, or counsel for help handling these difficult situations. If you need help telling your children about the divorce, a professional can help you find the best avenue.
Erinakes Law, PLLC
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